We are women. We are strong.

"Don't say curse words, is not okay on girls".
Why do you dress up like a boy? Wear a dress, be more girly".

"You girls are all the same, so hysterical". 

Those are some of the many things I've heard in my short life from different people. To not say curse words cause it doesn't make a girl cute if she says them? It doesn't look anyone good by saying them. But who cares? There are lots of things that don't makes us look good when we do them. To dress up more like a girl and less like a boy? Well hello there, this is my body and I can even wear a bikini top in the middle of winter if I want to. I'm the one wearing it, not you, so not of your business. We girls are all hysterical? Well I think most of the human race is actually very hysterical. We all are at some point of our lives. And if you deal with someone hysterical, just ignore the situation or even better go give her a hug, is just as simple as that. I'm not sorry but I think I've missed the How-to-be-a-girl manual book instructions by the time I was coming out of my mother's vagina. But I'm not here to talk about my clothes or my mother. I'm here to talk about all of us: women.

Rewinding into the past you can sure find how we used to be repressed by not only man, but society as itself. Women from the past centuries actually believed we had to be our man's shadow: if you were a kid, you had to be prepared to study and be pretty so a good gentleman asked for your hand; if you were a grown-up woman, all you had to do was providing kids to your dear husband and keep the house in order; if you were an old woman, all you had to do was staying home and wait for dear husband (if he was still alive) or watch for the grandchildren. But as I read this last words, it reminds me that sometimes I see no change in some parts of the world. There are still woman who don't understand how powerful we could be. I'm not saying power like the one that goes out of control and that stuff. I'm talking about the kind of power we have if we stick together, if we speak up and go get what we want. We are capable of so many things if we stay faithful to our beliefs. I'm a woman who wakes up every day and goes to work. I make my own living, my own money, and I don't go around searching for a guy that buys me the things I need. I don't want to be the kind of wife who stays at home watching the kids and taking care of the cleaning and waits for dear husband with dinner ready at night. I don't judge those women who do that because we are all different and make different choices, but I just don't want to be that kind of woman. I wanna make a change. I wanna keep growing my mind and help those who need help. I want to help myself when I have to because I come first. I want to see a change in the world. I want to see women sticking together. We HAVE GOT to stop fighting with each other for stupid things like boys or popularity or rivalry. Those things have nothing positive as result. We need evolution. And we've got to start by working on ourselves.

Look at the woman at the row supermarket. Look at the woman driving the car next to you. Look at the one getting into the bus you're in. Look at your teacher, your aunt, your sister, your mother. We all have our own problems. We're skinny. We're fat. We're tall. We're short. We're religious. We're not. We're sick. We're healthy. We can make mistakes, we're allowed. We can learn. We can be funny. We can be smart. We can be lonely by self choice. We can be heroes. We're humans. We can be writers. We can be producers. We can be painters. We can be professors. We can be doctors. We can be mothers. We can be anything we want to. We can be just as strong as men can be and anyone who tells you the opposite is lying to you and you should not care about their opinion because you, reading this, you ARE a woman, stronger than you think. Because you've gone through so much in your short life and you're still here. You're still breathing and it doesn't matter what you've put yourself through, it doesn't matter if you've ever self harm or have/had suicidal thoughts, you ARE STRONG, and you are WORTH to someone. You're important to me and that's why i'm tipping this. And you can be anything you wish for. Don't let anyone make you believe you're less, because to me, you mean a lot. I care about you. And it doesn't matter if you believe me, the important thing is that you believe in yourself.

Take a look at famous women who succed: singers, actresses, or even presidents. Look at all we've come until now. If we've got to this point, think about how far we could still reach. Like i said before, we can succed alone or in our own. All we need is power of will. Hating on ourselves will get us nowhere. It'll only make us stay right where we are, or even late us behind. Is that what you want? I don't think so.

Be smart. Be kind. Be true to yourself and the rest.

You might not be where you want to be, but you're not where you used to be at least.

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