♥ I was enchanted to meet you ♥

I'm sorry for the tears.
I'm sorry for the screams.
I'm sorry for everything i put you through.
I only wanted for you to love me. I need love.
You put me into this fucked up world.
Why doing such a bullshit?
Why are you so mean?
Is it that i'm not as pretty as you wanted me to be?
Am i not as smart as you wished your child would be?

Well, i'm sorry. I've never asked for any of this.
I never wanted to be born. I wish i was dead.
But there are some few people who tell me i should stay here.
They say good things will happen. I hope they're right.
I just can't stand it anymore. I need some better.
Why can't you make me feel worth it? Why can't you love me? 
I need for you to love me.
I need to know why you're like this to me.

I need to be closer to those people cause
they're the only ones by my side.

They're the only ones who make me feel worth it.

We all have sex for a reason: placer. Most of the people are not thinking about if they get pregnant, they just do it, and it shouldn't be like that. Many of the kids who nowadays feel worthless or shitty are the ones who weren't desired by their parents. So where does that leave us? We feel like crap and most of the times we have no one by our sides. And the parents do nothing about it. So if you're reading this, please, become aware at the moment of having sex, cause anything can happen (not only pregnancy, but you could even catch an STD), and trust me, you won't like being a not spectated parent. I could be hard and you won't be prepared. It ain't easy rising a child and that that kid loves you as well.

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